Marty's Favorite Books!
Over this past month I gave away a STACK of some of my favorite sales & marketing and overall inspiring/educational books.
I didn’t do this because I no longer thought they were valuable. Instead, I did this because as I was looking at the stack, I could hear the author’s voice in my head and I could recite word for word some of their amazing knowledge. I realized I had started to embody their message.
These books have been instrumental in my success, there’s no other way to put it. Because of this, I felt they were ready to find a new home and help someone else achieve success. In the end, I gave them away to people who are working on starting their own business.
Of course, I can always get another copy, but what really matters here is that these books continue to serve their purpose of inspiring and helping others.
So, without further ado, here’s a brief list of some of the books I donated:
"You Can Heal Your Life” Louise Hay
“The Art of Closing the Sale” Brian Tracy
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki
“Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill
“How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling” Frank Bettger
“Use Both Sides of Your Brain: New Mind-Mapping Techniques” Tony Buzan
If you are looking for tips that are more specifically oriented toward how to run a successful private practice in the healthcare industry then check out our Healthcare Ultra-Preneur Project Online Course! In this course, Denise DeShetler and I share the lessons we learned in building our successful practices here in the Bay Area!
*This article contains Amazon affiliate links.